Demo of a raster (GeoTIFF) layer. Maximum average temperature of July month.

Longitude:  Latitude:  
Optional Layers
  • Menu 1
    • Menu 2
      • Menu 3
Click on the check box to enable an optional layer. The '+' and '-' buttons change the transparency, to download the layer as 'kmz' file (for Google Earth) and to download the layer data as .zip or geotiff file.

Main Layers
You can toggle between the different variable options for the layers such as temperature, salinity, velocity, etc.
Optional Layers
These are the layers that you can choose optionally to display or not. You can place as many optional layers as you want on a single map.
Google E.
Downloads the main layer as KML, a Google Earth format.
You can modify the transparency of the main layers as well as the transparency of the selected optional layers.
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Main Layers Calendars Optional Layers